Saturday, September 18, 2010

Why, When, and Where

Isaiah 58:6-9, Acts 14:21-23, Matthew 9:20-22, Mark 5:25-34, Luke 8:43-48, Matthew 4:1-4

Sometimes what we interpret as tragedy cannot be prevented by our passionate prayers. Altered yes. Prevented no.

The scriptures here remind me on one hand that God is powerful enough to do anything and he wants us to channel that awesome power by trusting his Holy Spirit.

But, it is also clear that the things we pray for, powerful as it is, are cautioned. Jesus refuses to pray four physical nourishment, he DOES however, heal people's physical ills. Isaiah tells us to help the oppressed and stand up for justice. Clearly, prayers for others well-being takes priority over oneself. I am interested in thoughts. Comment. NOW!

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