Thursday, October 29, 2015

All Things New: An Update on Me and the Blog

Boy, it has really been a long time since I posted on this blog...

Blogs are funny things. Like so many aspects of our lives, they serve a purpose for a while, then we outgrow them for a time. Sometimes, though, we end up coming back to those things we once cast aside for whatever reason. We get stuck in ruts and need new patterns, disciplines, creative expressions...

I feel a need and desire to blog again... So here I am. And there is much to update.

When I last posted, I was an M. Div. student at Bethany Theological Seminary in Richmond, IN, entering my third and final year. I was single and anticipating a future in pastoral ministry with the Church of the Brethren.

And now, around 5 years later, I am the pastor of the New Enterprise Church of the Brethren in central PA. In a few months, I'll have been pastor here for three years. I am now married and have a dog. His name is Bilbo. He is the best.

I am hoping that this blog will return to being a place for me to give public reflections on my personal studies, prayers, and reading. Sometimes that might involve Biblical selections, other times a thought on current events, still others on a subject I've been working on.

I have decided to begin reading a book that has long been on my shelf-stack. It's a selection that many people have strongly recommended from very different paths and experiences in life. This book is Wm. Paul Young's "The Shack". I doubt I will be giving synopses on each chapter or anything, but I will be reflecting on my reactions.

As always, I welcome your comments, questions, ponderings, and jokes.

I pray God may join me again as we walk this renewed spiritual path once more. Happy blogging! Happy reading!

You can check it out on Amazon here:

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