Wednesday, September 29, 2010

More Transformation, Please?

Acts 9:1-9

Here's the story:
So this dude named Saul is on his way to Damascus (in Syria, north of Israel). He is on his way to kick some Christian hiney (that means backside)! He's got some burly other dudes with hm ready to take Christ-follower lunch money when he gets smacked with a giant divine apparition with a mag light. What!? So apparently its Jesus, the guy that the Christian nerds follow and who was executed by the authorities (even though his friends said "He rose from the dead!!!" Whatever.... no one believes in zombies seriously.) Anyway, Jesus shows up outta nowhere and is all like "Yo Saul, why you trippin' up in my grille?" Saul's all speechless becasue he's being addressed by the God of zombies (I'd be too). Jesus tells him to go to Damascus and wait for something...

That was a paraphrase of Saul's conversion. This is the pivotal point in Saul's life that begins his character evolution into the Apostle Paul. From here (and plenty other examples), Christians have learned that transformation in the light of Christ is extremely important, symbolized in many ways and central to imitating Jesus death and resurrection. Now, the question this raises for me at this moment is, are we just transformed once?

Some people can look back on a specific moment when they knew they were transformed forever. Perhaps this was baptism, confirmation, an anointing, a special worship, an intellectual/prayer/social breakthrough, or any number of other circumstances. However, can we be transformed more than once? Plenty of people (myself included) have been already transformed by God's grace, but still feel the need to keep changing. I'd say it is right to be always transforming. Every time we encounter God (whether in prayer, worship, or study) we should expect God to transform us. We cannot meet God face-to-face and leave the same way we arrived.

But we also need to be careful that we aren't changing simply for the sake of changing. Transformation needs to come FROM JESUS, not from our own boredom or need to find happiness or peer acceptance. Where are you in your transformation schedule? Is it time for you to break out of a cocoon and fly? Is it time to stop chasing your own ideas and simply be God's?

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