Friday, September 24, 2010

Caring Enough to Die and Let Live

Isaiah 61:8-11, Luke 7:11-17, Hosea 14:4-7, Matthew 9:13

Perhaps no active process best portrays God's compassion than healing. God cares not who we are or what we've done, he wants to heal all our pain, all our injury, all our sickness. He wants to mend broken relationships, painful memories, frustrating confusion. God wants to do all kinda of wonderful things for us, miraculous things, possible things. God came for the sick, the poor, the sinners. We are all in these categories, if we are honest. I certainly am.

And yet, I awoke this morning feeling good. I love such mornings. I was so thankfully aware of Jesus with me and all he has done for me. The love enveloped me in a cocoon of awesomeness. It was like I was drunk on Christ. Yes, that sounds silly and cliche, but honestly, silly and cliche things are what Jesus is all about, not complex and rational things. I mean, such love is not rational nor complex. To love someone enough to die for them; that is compassion, and that is what we are called to.

We heal others as Christ heals. We have been given that same power. Let us love in truth and action, friends!

I have found this week's reflections difficult, perhaps in light of my depressing experiences of late. Or perhaps because of my current comfortable settings. May God's freakin' awesome amazingness slap me in the face with stinging grace so that I have no choice but to embrace love and holiness and restore the reality of God to life. Ministry awaits, people!

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