Friday, September 3, 2010

Streams of salvation

Revelation 7:13-17, John 7:37-38

What an inspiring day! Thank God I found this awesome idea: living water! Thank God for living water! So much meaning and power has flowed from these words this week. I am reminded of the fountain of youth and the quest so many of fantasy of undertaken to find it. Like the holy grail, the fountain of youth promising life everlasting to the drinker. In one sense, it is the quest for ultimate meaning and fulfillment in life. The quest itself is full of meaning and power. However, it is frequently the case in stories of such adventures that the seeker realizes true life comes not from some physical goal, but instead has been there all along, in the form of love, of grace, of purpose.

It is important to notice that streams of living water are not only for the drinker (US). Jesus says such streams will pour forth from within us. They pour out, into the world, providing opportunities for others to drink deep of God's grace. Our cups runneth over! As we drink deep today, let us not forget to share the refreshing liquid with all whom we come in contact with. All we need do is believe in Jesus the Christ.

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