Monday, September 20, 2010

Triangle of Compassion

Hosea 14:2, Mark 6:30-44

To be compassionate is to reflect God. Since the beginning, God's behavior toward humanity has been of compassion. As I explored yesterday, God has done a WHOLE lot for us. He treats us as his children despite our rebelliousness and constant running away. God will not disown us. We are told that Jesus looked with compassion on the hungry multitude that followed him as he taught in Galilee. He miraculously fed them and requested his disciples help him act on that compassion. As his disciples today, we gotta keep acting on Jesus' compassion (even if we don't always feel compassionate). Mother Teresa emphasized Jesus teaching that the way we treat people reflects the way we treat God. Almost literally, Jesus identifies with those we reject or support. The compassion we show to others is to God a living sacrifice of praise and love for his other children, just as a parent loves to see his or her children getting along and helping each other. So, God has compassion on us, we reflect that compassion on others, and that same compassion returns to God.

Its a way cool compassionate triangle of awesomeness!

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