Monday, September 6, 2010

Spirit v. Sin

Romans 8:1-11

Tough stuff here. While it is absolutely true that those in Christ have no condemnation, elsewhere in Paul's letter to the Roman church we find an explanation of sinfulness and spirituality. Life guided and driven by the Holy Spirit leads to life, whereas life guided and driven by our natural, sinful desires leads to death. They are opposite and contrary directions: spirit and sin. When Christ saves us from condemnation, he also provides the Holy Spirit so that we can walk in a direction away from sin (though it will ever be a part of our lives). However, what about those people who have real life-giving relationships with Christ AND experience the death-dealing power of sinful desire on a regular basis? Tough stuff, I say again. Tough stuff.

I really want the Spirit to be the crap out of my sinful desires. That would be awesome! And it will too! However, I do not always WANT to lose those desires. Neither am I in the disciplined mood to seek the Spirit with all I am. Why can't we humans just choose life instead of death?

We must take practical steps to expose sin for what it is. One of the best was is to confess them to our brothers and sisters in Christ. Accountability is less about judging and more about loving. Find those who love you unconditionally and confess. If you can't think of friends who love you unconditionally, I will try. But we all need someone!

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