Saturday, October 9, 2010

Where Are You, God!?

Psalm 105:1-6, Psalm 90, John 14:27-28, John 16:29-30, 1 Corinthians 13:12, Matthew 27:46, Psalm 22:1, 1Corinthians 2:16, Philippians 2:5

What can we say? God is bigger than everything. And yet God is a part of everything. Jesus lives within us, yet he cannot be bound by us. God created all that is, and God is concerned about the smallest detail.

We find ourselves wondering why we cannot find God: why is God not listening, why is God not responding, why can't God send help, am I alone in this?

We see God at best through a thick mist, or as a pale reflection. That is good, but it leaves us sometimes confused. We feel like God is absent and we have to work out life by ourselves. Its true, Jesus is not here as a brother in the flesh. God is far removed from our insignificance, but he is also closer to us than us, for he formed the workings of us.

God is here, and his CONSTANT reminder is to let go of this world and be more concerned about his world! Those things that cause us stress are almost always of this world (and I include here school troubles, work troubles, LEGAL troubles, and the expectations of others). Spend time in prayer and Bible study. I sure have to. Without it, I would be lost. When we seek God's will first, all else will fall as it will (and God is good).

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