Saturday, October 2, 2010

Courage So Far

Matthew 14:22-33

Stepping out in faith is not easy. It takes a good deal of courage to dare to step out of the boat and defy the eaves of trouble, heading ever toward our master. Jesus beckons us lovingly to take a chance, risk it all, and reach for him. Jesus promises that by faith, the waves will not overwhelm, the wind will not carry away, and the great unknown will not destroy.

Peter takes him up on his offer, boldly stepping out into the impossible, but when he realizes where he is and how far he has come and how ludicrous this would have seemed before he knew Jesus, he considers that maybe Jesus is wrong, maybe this is all a lie, maybe the forces set against us are more powerful than Jesus. We wonder this too, consciously, subconsciously...

Fortunately, Jesus already knows that we are weak. He is prepared to overlook our weakness and snatch us from the hands of the Enemy as soon as we call out to him "Lord, save me!" Faith can carry us long distances, allow us to perform great deeds in Christ's name, but only Christ himself can bring us fully over to safety, to peace, and to life-love everlasting.


  1. Love this post, Andy, and this blog, for that matter!

    Open discussion question (not rhetorical) for others who may be reading: what are key "signs" you've learned to use, as you've walked with Christ, that you need snatching up or saving from the hands of our Enemy? In what ways has God blessed you with insight, from time to time, as you've strayed off of the "narrow path" (Matt. 7:13-14)??

  2. Great questions! First, I guess the signs I come to depend on to warn me of danger are always changing. Frequently I am not aware that I am in danger until after the fact. The two biggest helps are constant prayer, and having some kind of consistent self-reflection looking for weak spots (as well as blessing and God-sightings). There have been times when God gives me a good "spiritual slap" to wake me up and see what I've done and how I've strayed. The better we know the Word, the better we can cultivate the mind of Christ and be conscious of the evil one's movements. What about you?
