Sunday, October 3, 2010

An Evolution of Expectations

Exodus 20:1-4, 7-9, 12-20, Psalm 19, Philippians 3:4-14, Matthew 21:33-46, Luke 23:46

People love talking about the Ten Commandments. They are possibly one of the best short lists of morality and theology out there. Of them the Psalmist goes on and on, lavishing beautiful words to impress upon listeners and readers their great worth. There are debates about them, movies centered on them, and lives struggling to live by them. The Law in its entirety as outlined in the Torah (Pentateuch... first five books of the Bible) is fairly complicated; with directions on what to eat, how to eat, how to clean up, and how to prepare the food; not to mention all other facets of life. Comparatively, the Ten biggies look much simpler (if more impossible to fulfill).

Crazy how later Paul looks back on his life as a Pharisee and "counts all as loss" when compared to the life of service to Christ. Annnnnd yes, I'd say that includes the Ten Commandos. Life in Christ is not law-based, but grace-based. The Big Ten are great goals to live by, but not even they measure up to the goal of complete surrender to the love of Jesus. Hopefully, such a life would naturally include much of the Law, ESPECIALLY the Ten Commandments. After all, Jesus is Lord and the law of the Lord is awesome, so Jesus' law is awesome.

Strange how so many reject the way of Jesus who would uplift the Ten Commandments. Jesus way is even better then the Ten! One reason we tend to choose law over Jesus is that we rework laws in our own image, according to our own desires. The only way to correctly interpret the law is in the light of Christ's love and grace. But we humans love our control and power. It would be unheard of to simply hand over our rational processes and submit to someone else, no matter how trustworthy (and in fact incapable of lying...)

But still, Jesus models for us just how easy it should be. On the cross, Jesus recognizes the lure of power and control when he utters, "Father, why have you forsaken me?" We assume that because God doesn't do for us what we feel is right, he must not be for us. And yet, Jesus surrenders. "Into your hands I commend my Spirit." He stops trying to be in control, and let's God do what God will do. And look! Awesomeness happened! Yeah, Jesus dies... but he also rises again! In glory undimmed!

Letting go and letting God I guess... the Jesus way.

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