Saturday, August 28, 2010

No one does it better

Matthew 7:28-29

Jesus has just finished the Sermon on the Mount. The narrator of Matthew's Gospel then speaks to the audience a little description of what it was like. It says, "the crowds were amazed," "because he taught as one who had authority, and not as the teachers of the law." So many of Jesus' words in this Sermon are favorite quotes even today. He transformed religion and life as we know it by these words of wisdom straight from the mind of God. We have the Old Testament Law, but rarely (almost never) did Israel receive God's own commentary on the Law. Jesus (as fully God) reveals the truth about the First testament and explains it in such a way as to awaken the people (and US!) to the very real and relevant truth of it all!

Jesus spoke with authority because he WAS the authority. Like Moses brought the Law to Israel on Mt. Sinai, Christ brought a new interpretation of the Law to the world on this Mount in Galilee. The world would never be the same again...

None of us mortals, us teachers of the law, could ever match the truthfulness or the quality of Christ's Sermon. Let us all be amazed by the greatness of Christ, to which none are equals. Jesus is our teacher through the Holy Spirit. Not only the words of the Bible and the Gospels, but also in everyday life. In the still, quiet voice and in the spiritual slap that wakes us from our slumber. Jesus still teaches. What is he teaching us now...?

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