Friday, August 20, 2010

"It's all about the choices you make"

Matthew 6:24

What a fantastic verse. Straight to the point. We cannot serve two masters. Whatever it is that competes with God for our attention and praise must be discarded or uplifted. We often believe we can live in the balanced tension between our bad habits, addictions, and broken behaviors; but Jesus says no! "It's them or me!" "Choose this day whom you will serve!" There is no way to live comfortably with God and continuing in our known weaknesses. They cannot be balanced. Our relationship with God WILL weaken until it dissoves.

I know I have a choice to make, an action to udnertake, and a vision to uphold as a result of reaidng this verse. I pray with every beat of my heart that Christ my be glorified in it and that the sin may be crushed. If you read this: say a little prayer for me. Let me know of your struggles, and I will support you! Nobody can serve two masters!


  1. Great post.

    Food for thought...

    How much effort should we put into uplifting something before we discard it?

  2. What do you mean? If something gets between us and God, I am afraid the only response is to discard or repair. But the repairing must not be a distraction either, rather an infusing of God into that attempt.

  3. I agree. I was just thinking about how sometimes it can be difficult to discern whether or not certain things can be repaired, or if we should just discard them outright. I guess we really just have to pray, dig deep, and honestly look at our priorities/motives along with the nature of the object/act/relationship in question to get the right answer.

    I think you bring up a very good point: Sometimes the repairing can become in and of it itself a distraction. It's very subtle, and can be hard to notice especially if we believe our intentions are good. The focus can SEEM to turn away from what was distracting us, but without even realizing it, we become consumed with fixing for fixing's sake.

  4. Good words. I do that. Sometimes its better to seek grace before perfection.
