Monday, August 9, 2010

"Don't let the sun go down on me"

Matthew 5:23-26

 Sorry I missed a day. Get used to it. :) I will miss some from time to time because I cannot get to my computer. I will still be reading Matthew and will simply incorporate missed days into the next post!

Today, I am very aware of the need for reconciliation in the life of God's people. Too many barriers divide us caused by our own miscommunication, emotional reactions, impatience, and grudges. While some of this is inevitable, we are called by Jesus to be better than this! Christians SHOULD be an example to the world of how people should interact, not the example of how horribly religious people treat each other. In this text, Jesus first warns us to reconcile ourselves to those we may have broken relationships with BEFORE coming to the Lord's house in worship. Then, he cautions us to reconcile those relationships before they grow out of control.

These warnings teach me to things (at least):
1. Our broken relationships with each other affect our relationship with God.
2. Broken relationships have drastic consequences.

It takes courage to confront one's we've hurt or who've hurt us. Scary as that may be, the alternative may be even worse. Let us not allow the spiral to continue, be reconciled to each other so that we all may be reconciled to our Father in heaven.

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